Vape Deniers - Pt. 1 Smokers Turning to Vaping an "Alarming" Trend
Remember that one kid you knew back in the day who couldn’t tell the truth about anything? The kid who always one upped you with some ridiculously impossible story? Well, that kid got elected to office in Washington, and he doesn’t want you to vape. Worse, he’s gonna tell huge lies, so that he can pass laws making it harder to quit smoking. Since that’s a tough sell, he’s hiding his growing nose and saying he’s doing it “for the children.” Let’s call this clown Vape Denier, or “VD” for short.
Over the next few weeks I’m going to write a series of blogs breaking down VD’s Bill (HB 1645 and companion SB 5573) into bite size pieces of his dishonesty and absurdity. Let’s start with the “Findings”, which are the statements of “facts” that justify a new or altered law.
VD and his cohorts “found” that the use of vaping devices by cigarette smoking adults has “risen at an alarming rate”. So, a massive group of people running away from using cancer causing tobacco is alarming? Um, okay, VD, you’re an idiot. More and more studies are confirming what every Vaper and vape shop owner already knows: vaping is a better alternative to cigarettes and can help people quit smoking altogether.
Unfortunately, VD lives in an alternate universe where facts matter less than bogus “Findings”, so the proposed Bill glosses over the number of lives saved when smokers switched to vaping. VD instead “Finds” that nicotine is horrible for developing babies, so we should eliminate an alternative to tobacco and make their mothers consume 1,000 chemicals including dozens of carcinogens with their nicotine. VD should “find” a way to remove his head from wherever he misplaced it while writing this Bill.
VD doesn’t live in our world. He’s so blinded by his irrational fear of vaping that he would send people back to smoking cigarettes. That’s the real world. But VD doesn’t care how the real world works. And VD doesn’t care if his failed policies move smokers back to coughing, feeling winded and dying of cancer.
Our next visit together will look at Vaping as a gateway to cigarettes as powerful as heroin or cocaine.
James Oliver, Esq. is an attorney and hanger on at Steampunk Vapory Lounge. He is active in local politics and ran the New York City Marathon while vaping as RunnerX.